We deliver products and services for the future city’s sustainable mobility.
We offer managed services where we can deliver complete systems including hardware and software platform.
We focus on the end result based on what the customer needs.
We design our services to be scalable and globally applicable. We develop new functionality in close cooperation with our customers.
A sustainable future is built on good decisions. We provide the right data for environmental and traffic related decision making.
A software platform for the smart city.
The EdevaLive software is a modern platform that visualizes data, monitors and controls technical solutions for the smart city. Other systems, applications and services can easily be integrated into the EdevaLive software platform.
Create a safe, secure and accessible traffic environment for all.
The Actibump is a dynamic and intelligent traffic safety system. It is a robust system that has been in use I Sweden since 2010. It increases road safety and accessibility while lowering emissions and noise. The Actibump leaves the road level for vehicles driving at, or under, the legal speed limit. Speeding vehicles activate a hatch, integrated into the road, that lowers a few centimetres creating an inverted speed bump. This gives the driver a friendly reminder of the speed limit and the results show a clear behavioural change where drivers no longer speed where there are Actibumps installed.
Once a month we host a half-hour webinar, in English, that you are welcome to attend.
The third Thursday of every month at 13.00, Stockholm time, we talk about the Actibump and EdevaLive systems. Please type your e-mail address in the field below and we’ll send you an invite soon.
If you’d like a separate meeting for you and your colleagues you just CONTACT US and we’d be happy to set something up!
Do you wish to attend one of our webinars? Please fill in your e-mail address and we will send you an invitation to the next one.
Please don’t hesitate do get in touch with us!
About Edeva
We are ISO-certified in quality and environment, ISO9001 and ISO14001.
We have participated in two projects financed by Tillväxtverket and the European union. One project for internationalization and one for digitalization.